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Research progress

A review about novel photodetector based on TENG in Nanotechnology provided by Cheng Gang's group

来源: 河南大学纳米科学与材料工程学院    日期:2020-04-23   浏览次数:

Triboelectric microplasma has a good application prospect in the field of photodetector. In recent years, Cheng Gang's research group has carried out a series of work and achieved initial resultsin the field of photodetectors based on triboelectric microplasmal. Recently, they were invited to report a review "The Recent Progress of Triboelectric Nanogenerator (TENG) Assisted Photodetectors" in JCR's Top journal Nanotechnology, which demonstrate a detailed report on the light detection system based on the TENG.

Article link: https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/ab841e

Since the first report of TENG in 2012, TENG-assisted photodetectors have developed rapidly. Generally speaking, TENG-based photodetectors have become ideal candidates for practical applications. However, its research has just begun and there is still much room for development. In this review, based on different photoelectric conversion mechanisms, combined with the characteristics of TENG's self-driving, high voltage, triboelectric microplasma, etc., they summarized and looked forward to the latest and future development of TENG-based photodetectors. It involves detailed discussion of device structure design and working mechanism, and provides new ideas for the development of new photodetectors.

Dr. Junmeng Guo is the first author of this article, and Professor Gang Cheng is the corresponding author of this article. This work was supported by funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Science and Technology Department of Henan Province, and Henan University.

【上一篇】:Professor Cheng Gang's research group reports on large-scale water droplet triboelectric nanogenerators at Nano Energy

【下一篇】:Professor Cheng Gang's group reported on the tunning of ZnO nanowires by triboelectric microplasma floating gate in Nano Energy



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