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Research progress

Professor Weili Zhao’s group published a review article of “BODIPY-Based Fluorescent Probes for Biothiols” in Chemistry - A European Journal

来源: 河南大学纳米科学与材料工程学院    日期:2020-04-27   浏览次数:

In recent years, Professor Weili Zhao’s research group has carried out a series of work on the construction and application of BODIPY fluorescent dyes, and achieved phased results, especially the successful construction of a series of BODIPY dyes to detect biological thiols. Recently, they were invited to publish a review paper in the Chemistry-A European Journal, summarizing and discussing current challenges and opportunities.

The development of fluorescent probes based on BODIPYs for the detection of biothiols are systematically summarized, with emphasis on the preferable detection of individual biothiols, as well as simultaneous discrimination among cysteine (Cys), homocysteine (Hcy), reduced glutathione (GSH). In addition, organelle-targeting probes for biothiols are also highlighted. The general design principles, various recognition mechanisms, and biological applications are elaboratively discussed, which could provide a useful reference to researchers worldwide interested in this area.

【上一篇】:Professor Yu Jia’s group published the research results of “Two-dimensional topological semimetal states in monolayer Cu2Ge, Fe2Ge, and Fe2Sn”

【下一篇】:Professor Cheng Gang's research group reports on large-scale water droplet triboelectric nanogenerators at Nano Energy



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