On July 26 2018, Professor Kwon Young-Uk, from Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, visited our lab for an academic report entitled “Sonochemical-based Fuel Cell Electrocatalysts”. The seminar was presided over by Zhao Yong, a young talented person in the Key Laboratory of Special Functional Materials, with many audiences from the lab.
Prof. Kwon introduced the working principle and research status of fuel cells, and successfully constructed Pt-based multiple core-shell structures. Furthermore, the synthesis mechanism by sonochemical method was elaborated by the combination of theory and experiments, and the potential advantages of core-shell structure were also confirmed. The report provides new ideas and directions for the fuel cell-based research, and lays the foundation for developing students' vision, achieving the integration of laboratories with the international community and improving the academic reputation of the laboratory.
About the Speaker
Kwon Young-Uk: Professor in Department of Chemistry and SAINT, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea; Dean of College of Science; Director of HRD Center for Creative Convergent Chemical Sciences; Managing editor of NANO (SCIE journal). He got his bachelor degree from Seoul National University in 1984, and Ph.D. from Iowa State University in 1991. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the prestigious Bell Labs in the United States from 1991 to 1992, and as a visiting prof in University of California at Santa Barbara (1999–2000) and University of Namur in Belgium (2008-2009). He has served as the chairman of Chemistry Department of Sungkyunkwan University, organizing committee member of Asian Chemical Congress, member of Korea Science Engineering Foundation, and International Materials Management Society (IMMS). Professor Kwon is mainly engaged in many fields such as mesoporous materials, photoelectric materials, electrocatalysis and so on. Up to now, more than 170 high-level SCI papers have been published, including Energy and Environmental Science, Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Angew. Chem., and other high quality papers.