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Presentation title:CZTS Thin Films and Solar Cells on Flexible Mo foils

来源: 河南大学纳米科学与材料工程学院    日期:2018-05-18   浏览次数:

Reporter: Prof. Shuying CHENG from school of physics and information engineering, Fuzhou University

Time: 17th April, 2017 (Monday), 10: 00-11: 00 AM

Location: Conference room of key laboratory of special functional materials (second floor)

   Prof. Shuying CHENG is a prestigious teaching professor of Fuzhou University, the Vice Chairman of the School of Physics and Information Engineering of Fuzhou University in Fujian province, Director of Fujian Photovoltaic Industry Technology Development Foundation, Fuzhou University Institute of Micro & Nano Devices and Solar cells. She is the Director of Chinese Micron Nanoscience Institute, the Director of China Institute of Instrumentation and Microelectronics and Institute of Micro-Nano Devices and System Technology, a member of the Vacuum Society of China Electronics Society, the Director of Fujian Photovoltaic Industry Association, the Director of Fujian Association of Women Scientists and Technologists. She obtained her BSc and MSc degrees from Shandong University in 1988 and 1991, respectively. She received her PhD diploma from Fujian Institute of Physical Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). She worked as a postdoc researcher in Fuzhou University from 2003 to 2005. In 2006-2007, she was a visiting scholar at the University of New South Wales in Australia, collaborated with Prof. Martin Green (the "father" of the world solar cells). She mainly focuses on the application of photoelectric thin film materials and devices, thin film solar cells, and photovoltaic systems. As a project leader, she has taken two national funding and over 10 provincial scientific research projects, and a number of university-enterprise cooperation projects. There are 6 on-going projects in total, including national natural funding of China. She has published more than 140 scientific papers. Her paper has been selected as top 2 excellent natural science academic paper in Fujian province. She has applied over 30 patents, over 20 of which have been authorized. She has supervised students to participate in more than 10 national, provincial, and university-level innovation projects, and guide students to achieve outstanding results in various types of innovation and entrepreneurial competitions, including 1 state-level outstanding prize, 2 times first prizes, 2 times second prizes and many prizes at provincial levels. He has won once the Presentation title of excellent supervisor and once the Presentation title of the best supervisor in national awards.


【上一篇】:Presentation title:Insulating nature of low-dimensional electron systems

【下一篇】:Presentation title: Computational simulation of point defects in multi-component semiconductor photovoltaic materials



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