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Presentation title: On-surface chemistry: controllable preparation and mechanism of functional macromolecules

来源: 河南大学纳米科学与材料工程学院    日期:2018-05-18   浏览次数:

Time: 19th May, 2017,19:00-20:30

Reporter: Lifeng CHI (Soochow University)

Location: Lecture hall on 2nd floor of computer college, Jinming Campus

   Prof. Dr. Lifeng CHI graduated from the Department of Physics of Jilin University in 1982 and received her PhD from Goettingen University of Germany in 1989. She was awarded the professorship of Physics Department of Muenster University in 2000 and started her teaching duties in Germany since 2004. She has reached many innovative achievements in the field of surface-interface molecular assembly and nano-characterization. She has published more than 300 scientific papers in academic journals including Nature, Science, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Phys. Rev. et al. and received 9 patents authorized both at-home and abroad. In recent years, her group mainly focuses on on-surface chemistry, the rising interdisciplinary field. Prof. Chi has won the "Overseas Youth Cooperation Fund" (outstanding youth B) in 1999 and the Lisa-Meitner prize in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany in 1997. Prof. CHI joined the research institute of functional nanomaterials and material materials of Soochow University in 2012. Prof. Chi is a member of editorial boards and advisory committees for a variety of academic journals including the Langmuir, Small, ACS Nano, NJP, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, Nanoscale Horizon, ChemNanoMat, and etc. She won the ACS Nano Lectureship prize in 2016 and the IUPAC prize in chemistry and chemical industry in 2017.

【上一篇】:Presentation title: Computational simulation of point defects in multi-component semiconductor photovoltaic materials

【下一篇】:Presentation title: Non 1:1 biomolecular Detection



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